
Five Things to Do Before Leaving Your Dog Home Alone

There was a time when dog owners did not have to worry about leaving their pets behind unattended to, a time when the dogs used to spend their time outside, by their masters’ sides. That is the legendary past. Then the change came, almost all dogs whose owners are working spend the workdays home-based unaccompanied and alone. That is if your dog does not like the company of others at the daycare or at dog walkers’. Such dogs spend days lonely and bored to death, fortunately for you today, we are going to address the issue, give you tips to help your dog deal with separation anxiety, pass time quickly without boredom and at a very manageable budget.

  • Always keep the home alone dogs busy;

How do you attain that, when you are at the office and the dog is back at home? Here a little creativity will have to kick in for you to find the solution. You can, for example, exchange the feeding bowl with food-dispensing machines. Also, mix canned and dry food before stuffing the toys. It is also advisable to freeze the food in the container so as to make it a hard and time taking excavation process. Another easy yet genius idea, scatter the dog food on the entire floor, let the sniffy guy sniff his way to the debris.

  • Avoid creating the Jekyll-and-Hyde behavior in your dog

This refers to when you seriously smother, pamper and give your dog a lot of attention, a thing he sees none of when you are away at work. If you acquire your dog as a puppy, try and train the dog to be used to being alone and away from you. This can be achieved by frequent confinement with stuffed chew toys as explained in the point above, this will guide the dog into developing a sense of independence and confidence. In other words, leave your dog alone when you are home.

  • Do not let your dog know when you are leaving

Try and divert the attention of your dog to one part of your house as you leave through the other. You can also play with your dog’s mind by opening and close the house doors as loud as possible so as it is hard for the dog to know if you are home or not. If all that fails, time and leave just when your dog has settled. This can be enforced by spying on your dog, mastering its movements before making a dash for it. If it happens to note that you are leaving, do not pay any attention to it, just leave.

  • Prevent dog poisoning and accidents

Keep away in locked cabinets all drugs, dangerous foods and other substances that may harm your dog’ health. Accidents may occur in a house starting from very minor and unlikely objects. Take fires, for example, dryers are always blown to starting fires, it is, therefore, advisable to keep such appliances off and unplugged to power sources. To avoid strangulation, it also advisable to use breakaway collars in the house if you really have to collar the dog and standard collars can be used outside, especially when going for walks.

  • Make sure that your dog is in good mental and physical state before leaving them alone

You should know that dogs sleep almost all the time when alone and bored. Therefore, to prevent any health issues such as overweight complications, it is advisable to usually give your dog enough mental and physical stimulation daily before you leave for work. Make your dog tired; Some might already be wondering how on earth are they going to achieve that every morning when they are maybe late and rushing to work. It is very simple actually, each morning make your dog do some good, tough exercise.

Another question yet arises, how do you determine and know how much exercise is enough? Take into consideration your dog’s state of health, the age, the body type and even the current state of fitness. You can also consider consulting your veterinarian on this matter. Allow exercises like, off leash running, sniffing, trotting and ensure to have some mental stimulation too. This exercises will leave your dog not only tired but happy and content and it will always be looking forward to when you will be leaving for work the next day.

Separation anxiety is a serious issue with pets and mostly dogs being social animals. As much as the effect of this issue at hand is not manifested in your dog immediately, I’m sure you have noted one or two signs. For example, your dog may develop bad habits of relieving themselves in the house anywhere or maybe even destroying your personal property like tearing coaches as they deal with the stress. It is, therefore, advisable to address the issue immediately.